Thursday, February 17, 2022

Madonna will forever be my Valentine!

 1. TFA-Holiday-83

2. LAV-Over and Over-84

3. TB-True Blue-86

4. WTG-Can't Stop-87

5. YCD-Holiday-Remix-83

6. LAP-Cherish-89

7. IB/DT-Something to Remember-90

8. TIC-Vogue-90

9. ER-Words-92

10. BS-Bedtime Story-94

11. STR-This Used to Be My Playground-92

12. EV-Part 1-A New Argentina-96

13. EV-Part 2-You Must Love Me-96

14. ROL-Frozen-98

15. M-Don't Tell Me-00

16. GHV2-What It Feels Like for a Girl-00

Madonna Is Love!