2. LAV-Dress You Up-84
3. TB-Live to Tell-86
4. WTG-The Look of Love-87
5. YCD-Everybody-Remix-83
6. LAP-Promise to Try-89
7. IB/DT-Sooner or Later-90
8. TIC-Vogue-90
9, ER-Words-92
10. Forbidden Love-Bedtime version-94
11. STR-This Used to Be My Playground-92
12. EV-Part 1-Cinema/Requiem/Oh What a Circus-96
13. EV-Part 2-You Must Love Me-96
14. ROL-The Power of Goodbye-98
15. M-I Deserve It-00
16. GHV2-Music-00
America will never be a more perfect union as long as we have police brutality!